Pietro di Cristoforo Vannucci (1446 - 1523), a painter born in Umbria and famous in the major artistic centers of the time
The main partners of this project coincide with four incredible places, not to be missed if you want to learn more about Perugino's art: the church of Santa Maria dei Servi and Palazzo della Corgna in Città della Pieve, the Oratory of the Nunziatella in Foligno and the Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Lacrime in Trevi
Discover all the amazing paintings by Perugino collected in this digital collection, made possible thanks to the collaboration of Italian and foreign Museums and Institutions that believed in this project
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Impossible exhibitions
Palazzo della Corgna in Città della Pieve becomes the container of exhibitions otherwise impossible to realize in real life: live a unique experience!
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Perugino 2023

Perugino 2023 is a platform entirely dedicated to the painter Pietro di Cristoforo Vannucci better knwon as "Perugino", realized on the occasion of the celebrations for the 500th anniversary of his death. The great Umbrian Renaissance Master, born in Città della Pieve, was a pupil of Andrea del Verrocchio in Florence and had the opportunity to meet artists such as Michelangelo and Leonardo. He then returned to his homeland, where he influenced the art of the young Raphael.

Perugino nel segno del tempo – until September 17, 2023 – Isola di San Lorenzo, Museo del Capitolo di Perugia

Until Sunday 17/09/2023 Isola di San Lorenzo – Museo del Capitolo di Perugia Chiostro Cattedrale di San Lorenzo, Piazza IV Novembre, 06121 Perugia PG Open until September 17, 2023at the Isola San Lorenzo – Museo del Capitolo of the Cathedral of Perugia, the exhibition dedicated to the Altarpiece of Sansepolcro Pietro Vannucci said Perugino, organized, […]

OMAGGIO A PERUGINO: “MISERICORDIAE VULTUS” – from June 23 to November 5 2023 – Pinacoteca Diocesana, Senigallia

From Friday 23/06/2023 to Sunday 05/11/2023 Pinacoteca Diocesana Piazza Garibaldi 3, 60019 Senigallia AN “Omaggio a Perugino. Misericordiae Vultus” is the exhibition that the Diocese of Senigallia inaugurated on June 23, open until November 5, at the Pinacoteca Diocesana in Piazza Garibaldi in Senigallia. A path of faith and art that is proposed by the […]

“Leggera anzi leggerissima LUCE” – Solo exhibition of Klaus Karl Mehrkens curated by Giuseppe Simone Modeo – from 8 July to 16 August 2023 – Crypts of the Cathedral of Città della Pieve

From Saturday 08/07/2023 to Wednesday 16/08/2023 Crypts of the Cathedral of Città della Pieve Piazza Plebiscito 11, 06062 Città della Pieve PG After months of affectionate and exciting study of Perugino’s work, Klaus Karl Mehrkens pays homage to the Renaissance master with six paintings. He does so with an exhibition – in the year of […]

Exhibition “…al battesimo fu chiamato Pietro” – from 2 July to 30 September 2023 – Città della Pieve

From Sunday 02/07/2023 to Saturday 30/09/2023 Palazzo Della Corgna, Museo Civico Diocesano di Santa Maria dei Servi e Oratorio di Santa Maria dei Bianchi Città della Pieve (PG) During the year of the celebrations for the five hundredth anniversary of the death of Pietro Vannucci known as Perugino, Città della Pieve, his hometown, pays tribute […]

Exhibition “NERO Perugino Burri” – from Thursday June, 22th to Monday October, 2nd 2023 – Palazzo Baldeschi, Perugia

From Thursday 22/06/2023 to Monday 02/10/2023 Palazzo Baldeschi Corso Pietro Vannucci 66, 06121 Perugia PG On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the death of Pietro Vannucci, known as Perugino, Fondazione Perugia, in collaboration with Fondazione Burri presents NERO Perugino Burri dal 22 June to 2 October 2023 at Palazzo Baldeschi in Perugia. The […]

“Perugino come non l’hai mai visto” – Immersive projection – from Thursday, June 1 to Sunday, November 5, 2023 – Piazza dell’Università and Logge del Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia, University of Perugia

From Thursday 01/06/2023 to Sunday 05/11/2023 Università degli Studi di Perugia Piazza dell’Università 1, 06123 Perugia PG Starting from June 1st a special installation on the Divine Painter promoted through a project by the School of Specialization in Historical and Artistic Heritage of the University of Perugia. By involving new technologies — such as videomapping, […]

Exhibition “Il Perugino a Porta Sant’Angelo” – from Wednesday, May 10 to Saturday, May 27 2023 – Biblioteca San Matteo degli Armeni, Perugia

From Wednesday 10/05/2023 to Saturday 27/05/2023 Biblioteca San Matteo degli Armeni Via Monteripido 2, 06125 Perugia PG The San Matteo degli Armeni Library hosts “Il Perugino a Porta Sant’Angelo“, an exhibition of postcards and vintage documents from Adriano Piazzoli’s collections. The exhibition is open from Wednesday 10 to Saturday, May 27. Adriano Piazzoli is part […]

Conference “3D Digitization and diagnostic investigations: the Nobile Collegio del Cambio in Perugia” – Salone Internazionale del Restauro di Ferrara – Thursday, May 10 2023 at 10.30 am

Thursday 11/05/2023 at 10.30 am Sala Ariosto, Salone Internazionale del Restauro Via della Fiera 11, 44124 Ferrara The artistic heritage of Umbria will be under the national spotlight during the Salone Internazionale del Restauro (International Exhibition of Restoration) in Ferrara, in its twenty-eighth edition, full of new insights on sectors particularly affected by technological innovation […]

Conference “Perugino in the countryside: a project in the making for a territory to rediscover” – Area Verde of Fontignano – Saturday, May 6 at 6 pm

Saturday 06/05/2023 at 6 pm Area Verde di Fontignano, 06132 Perugia (PG) The initiatives for celebrations for the 500 years since the death of Perugino by the Pro Loco Fontignano continue on Saturday, May 6, at 6 pm, in Fontignano. The conference “Perugino nel contado: un progetto in divenire per un territorio da riscoprire” (“Perugino […]

Discovering Perugino inside the Church of San Bernardino – Church of San Lorenzo, Gaiche (Piegaro, PG) – Sunday, May 14, 2023 at 11:30 am

Sunday 14/05/2023 at 11:30 am Località Gaiche 3, 06066 Piegaro (PG) “Discovering Perugino inside the Church of San Bernardino” Holy Mass accompanied by the Choir of San Lorenzo of Castiglion Fiorentino Following, a spring outing in the landscapes of Perugia with the food of the shepherd By Piccolo Noce and Pro Loco Fontana – Gaiche […]

“Un nuovo incontro con l’Egregius Pictor” (“A new meeting with the Egregius Pictor”): a book and an app for the Nobile Collegio del Cambio

There are two initiatives that make up the new editorial project and innovation and adaptation of the ways of visiting the historical and artistic heritage of the Nobile Collegio del Cambio, place that preserves a cycle of frescoes executed by Perugino and considered among the greatest artistic expressions of the master. “Un nuovo incontro con […]

The exhibition “…e al battesimo fu chiamato Pietro” in Città della Pieve is open by night on weekends

Starting July 21, it will be possible to take part in a guided tour, behind closed doors and by night, of the exhibition “…al battesimo fu chiamato Pietro. Il Perugino a Città della Pieve.” Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday in July and September and every evening in August, at 21, the event Perugino 500 by […]

Behind the scenes of the exhibition NERO Perugino Burri told by a documentary airing on Sky Arte

Directed by Arianna Marelli and produced for Sky Arte by 3D Productions, the documentary reveals the behind the scenes and the set up of the exhibition NERO Perugino Burri, curated by Vittoria Garibaldi and Bruno Corà and open from 22 June to 2 October 2023 at Palazzo Baldeschi, Perugia. The documentary, on air on July, […]

Il Perugino per tutti: discovering art and nature between Foligno, Assisi and Spello

‘Il Perugino per tutti’ is an itinerary promoted by the Municipalities of Foligno, Assisi and Spello to discover four works by the painter Pietro Vannucci known as Perugino, on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of his death. There will be 9 free guided tours by e-bike and shuttle, which will offer participants the opportunity […]

A videomapping dedicated to Perugino lights up the bell tower of the Church of Santa Maria Assunta in Corciano

A video projection representing the Virgin painted in 1513 by Pietro Vannucci, known as Perugino, can be seen on the bell tower of the church of Santa Maria Assunta from June, 24th. The project aims to further enhance the painting, still complete with two predella tables, which, unlike many other wooden tables realized by the […]

The monument dedicated to Perugino at the Carducci Gardens of Perugia returns to its former glory after the restoration

The monument, located in the Carducci gardens in Perugia, dedicated to Pietro Vannucci, known as Perugino, realized by the artist Enrico Quattrini and inaugurated on 23 September 1923, returned to its former glory after the restoration carried out under the Art Bonus Project. The unveiling ceremony was attended by the mayor Andrea Romizi, the Councillor […]

The exhibition “Il Meglio Maestro d’Italia” at the Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria ends with record numbers: more than 100,000 visitors for Perugino

The exhibition, entitled “Il meglio maestro d’Italia”. Perugino nel suo tempo, curated by Marco Pierini, director of the Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, and Veruska Picchiarelli, curator of the museum, was visited by 102,300 people. The exhibition has been able to interest audiences among the most diverse and composite. This can be seen from the data relating […]

The contest “Find your style as Pietro Perugino” organized by the high school Galilei of Perugia is over: here are the winners

Great success for the new edition of the photo contest “GalileiContest” to which many high school students have attended. Here are the winners for all the categories of the contest: – Social award: “Anonymous Piety – self-portrait” by Gabriele Bifolchi, class 4H – Award best drawing: “The Lovers – reinterpretation” by Chiara Bagagli, class 2D […]

The catalogue of the exhibition “The Best Master of Italy. Perugino in his time” is finally available to the public

During the last week of the exhibition, the catalogue dedicated to the exhibition “Il Meglio Maestro d’Italia. Perugino nel suo tempo”, which will end Sunday, June 11, was finally published. The catalogue contains contributions by some major specialists of the painter and Renaissance. The essays retrace the stages of Perugino’s career, from his training to […]

Double tribute to Perugino by the pop painter Stefano Chiacchella

Double tribute to Pietro Perugino, out of the pop brush of the great Stefano Chiacchella. The painter has realized two works, inspired and at the same time dedicated to the Divine Painter, as part of the celebrations for the 500th anniversary of his death in 2023.The first work represents, on the left, a reference to […]