
The Municipality of Corciano includes a territory characterized by historic villages and an innovative commercial area. The historic city center of Corciano is considered one of the most beautiful villages in Italy and has its origins in a medieval castle, fortified by a wall dating back to the thirteenth century: it was one of the castles built by the city of Perugia for defensive purposes.

Thanks to its raised position, it is possible to enjoy a wide view: from the nearby Mount Malbe, Mount Amiata, Lake Trasimeno, Mount Tezio and Mont Acuto.

The Palazzo della Corgna, current seat of the town hall, built in the sixteenth century as a residence of the noble Corgna family of Perugia, preserve Mannerist frescoes realized by Zuccari and his assistants.
Corciano preserves many other remarkable monuments, such as the Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo (XV century), the Palazzo dei Priori e della Mercanzia; the Piazza Coragino with the characteristic well of the XV century. The Parish Church, dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta (originally built during the thirteenth century, then restored in the nineteenth century), houses the altarpiece of the “Assunta”, depicted by Perugino in 1513, and the processional “Gonfalone”, painted to protect from the plague, by Benedetto Bonfigli in 1472, depicting a Madonna della Misericordia with Saint Augustine and Saint Sebastian, and also including an historical view of ancient Corciano.
The former Church of Saint Cristoforo now houses the Historical Museum of Pievania, while the Museum of the Peasant House preserve objects and furnishings of an ancient farmhouse.
The Medieval Tower of Porta Santa Maria houses a permanent exhibition center on medieval and Renaissance culture.

The Municipal Tower, built in limestone and travertine blocks, stands on the highest point of the village.

Close to the historic center, it is possible to visit many other cultural attractions: the Antiquarium, which exhibits important finds from prehistoric times to the Etruscan and Roman age, the former Church of St. Francis (now museum of paintings and sculptures and exhibition center), the Church of St. Maria del Serraglio, which houses a fresco of the fourteenth century, the Church and the convent of St. Augustine, dating back to 1334. Just a few kilometers from the town, there are also the Castle of Pieve del Vescovo and the Etruscan Necropolis of Strozzacapponi.

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