Predella tablets, Polyptych of San Pietro – Pinacoteca Vaticana – Vatican City

The tablets belonged to the predella of the large altar machine of the church of San Pietro in Perugia.
After the first dismemberment of the work, on behalf of the architect Martelli in the last decade of the sixteenth century during the renovation works of the place, the three small paintings, originally part of the predella along with the other five tablets still in the Abbey of San Pietro, have been dispersed, and are now preserved in Vatican City.
Some of the saints represented are the most important for the order of the Benedictines who lived here; the three tablets portray Saint Giustina, Saint Benedetto and Saint Placido.
The works are preserved at the Pinacoteca Vaticana, in Vatican City.
Perugino, Saint Benedetto, predella tablets, 1496-1500, oil on panel, Vatican City, Pinacoteca Vaticana / Copyright © Governatorato dello Stato della Città del Vaticano - Direzione dei Musei